Sunday, April 8, 2012

My first fondant experience

I suppose if I want to one day have a successful blog, then I should probably start posting blogs... That makes sense, right? Well I went back to Cary to see my family for Easter and they wanted me to make my famous lemon cake. My boyfriend gave me some cake decorating supplies for my birthday, including a fondant roller and some gum paste tools. I've never used fondant in my life, but decided to test my skills on a cake that only my family would see if it turned out awful. At least I knew it would taste good no matter what! :)
I think it turned out alright! I definitely have a lot to learning to do, and I'm hoping I can take some cake decorating classes once I graduate. The pictures are taken with my cell phone because I forgot to bring my camera with me.

Happy Easter!


  1. I think you did a rather good job on the cake.

  2. I cannot believe how well you rolled out the fondant on that! oh my gosh! i've tried it before and failed MISERABLY!!! well done!
